Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Linhua Sun This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1,2

1School of Resources and Civil Engineering, Suzhou University, Anhui 234000, P.R. China
2National Engineering Research Center of Coal Mine Water Hazard Controlling, Anhui 234000, P.R. China


Received: October 18, 2016
Accepted: April 17, 2017
Publication Date: September 1, 2017

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Hydrochemistry is important tool for solving the issue related to water hazards of coal mines, as it can be used for the determination of the source of inrush water. In this study, major ion concentrations of the groundwater samples from the representative aquifer systems in the Zhuxianzhuang coal mine, northern Anhui Province, China, have been analysed by a series of statistical methods for identifying the source of chemical constituents in the groundwater and, the source of inrush water with unknown source. The results indicate that the major ion concentrations of the groundwater from different aquifer systems are different with each other, indicating that they have undergone different kinds and extents of water rock interactions. Factor analysis has identified two sources (weathering of silicate minerals and dissolution of evaporate minerals) responsible for the hydrochemistry of the groundwater, and their contributions have been quantified by the US EPA (environmental protection agency) Unmix model. Moreover, based on the variations of contributions of each source, the source of the samples with unknown source has been identified correctly, and consistent with the results obtained by cluster and discriminant analyses. Such results suggest that the EPA Unmix model can be applied for the hydrochemical study of the groundwater in the coal mines, as it cannot only be applied for the study of the water rock interaction, but also the inrush water source identification in coal mine.

Keywords: Groundwater, Hydrochemistry, Inrush Water, Water Rock Interaction, Coal Mine


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