Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Dear Colleague,

Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (JASE) is listed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), COMPENDEX PLUS (EI) and Scopus with six issues published per year. The first issue was published in July 1998.

The Journal aims to serve the needs of the research and development community and to become a well-known publishing paper of the highest quality in all disciplines of science and engineering. In the near future, we hope JASE will be recognized by and included in several well-known international indexes, such as Science Citation Index (SCI).

The editorial board includes experts in fields of science and engineering coming from Tamkang University and several other international universities. In order to build up an excellent reputation for the Journal, we would also like to invite experts from the international community to review papers.

If you have recently undertaken research in any of the related fields and wish to share your results with the science and engineering community, please submit it through our online submission system. The Journal promises to maintain high standards and timely manner throughout the review and publication of your manuscript.

Any suggestions for the Journal are welcome. Please feel free to let me know.


Yours faithfully,
Chi-Wang Li   




Prof. Chi-Wang Li 
Tamkang University, Editor-in-Chief




69th percentile
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