Novel self-assembled tellurium nanoparticles and their effects in inhibition of myoblastoma cell line
Analyzing a Comprehensive Hand-Size Database Using Automated Landmark Detection and Measurement Techniques
Investigating on effect of fan blades angle of a water-cooled air conditioner on its performance through CFD analysis
Performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis of a low- capacity single-effect LiBr-H2O absorption cooling system using energy and exergy modeling
A Prototype of a biomimetic scallop robot with bivalve propulsion and a hydrodynamic model for its velocity
The Effect of Openings Type on Indoor Temperature of Naturally Ventilated Buildings in The Tropical Climate
Experimental Investigation of Particle Sorting in Y-Channels with Variable Bifurcation Angles for Microfluidic Applications
Improving Energy Efficiency in Building Operations through Enhanced Cooling Load Prediction using Decision Tree Model and Dual Meta-Heuristic Optimizations
Nano-roughness Modification of 3D printed Poly (lactic Acid) Polymer via Alkaline Wet Etching Towards Biomedical Applications
Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Cooling Systems through Advanced Machine Learning and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Precise Cooling Load Prediction
A Robust Observer-Based Control Structure for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives Based on MPC And Sliding Mode Observation
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid VerticalAxis Wind Turbine by Combining Darrieus and Savonius Blades using Ansys-CFX