Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Yu JiangThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shenyang Normal University, ShenYang, China



Received: January 1, 2024
Accepted: March 27, 2024
Publication Date: March 2, 2024

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With the advancement of artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, equipped with capabilities such as autonomous perception, learning adaptability, autonomous decision-making, and human-machine interaction, are widely deployed across various industries. In this paper, an acoustic signal analysis within the deep encoding-decoding architecture is devised for intelligent robot anomaly detection (DAD-IR-ASR), which comprises acoustic signal data preprocessing of intelligent robot, deep encoding-decoding architecture, accumulation-based anomaly detection. Specifically, DAD-IR-ASR designs an acoustic sensor collection device to collect acoustic signal data of robots. Subsequently, it utilizes Fourier transformation and filters to extract meaningful spectral features. Simultaneously, it designs a deep encoding-decoding architecture, employing unsupervised reconstruction training solely with normal data to adaptively learn an error threshold. Furthermore, DAD-IR-ASR conducts an accumulation-based anomaly detection strategy to determine if the intelligent robot is anomalous by comparing the cumulative sum of reconstruction errors within deep encoding-decoding architecture. Finally, the effectiveness of DAD-IR-ASR is demonstrated through comparisons with multiple existing unsupervised detection methods in intelligent robot anomaly detection task.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; intelligent robots; deep anomaly detection

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