Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Nongnuch Saengsura, Saowanit SukparungseeThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and Yupaporn Areepong

Department of Applied Statistics, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800 Thailand



Received: September 3, 2023
Accepted: December 10, 2023
Publication Date: January 10, 2024

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Control charts are common methods for monitoring effectiveness. The mixed cumulative sum-double moving average (MCD) chart is a parametric control chart, and it is a helpful tool for detecting minute changes in the process mean. The Tukey control chart (TCC) is a nonparametric chart for a process without a distribution. This research aims to develop a new mixed control scheme, between the MCD chart and TCC, named Tukey cumulative sum-double moving average chart (MCD-TCC) to detect changes in process mean with symmetrical and asymmetrical distributions. The effectiveness of the MCD-TCC is evaluated using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and compared to the cumulative sum (CUSUM), double moving average (DMA), MCD, mixed cumulative sum-Tukey (CUSUM-TCC), and mixed Tukey-double moving average (TCC-DMA) charts using average run length (ARL), and median run length (MRL) as the criteria for efficiency measurement. The study’s findings for the process with asymmetrical distributions demonstrated that, for instances of minor shifts (δ < 0.25), the MCD-TCC performed better than the CUSUM, DMA, MCD, CUSUM-TCC, and TCC-DMA charts. In other shifts, TCC-DMA control charts perform better than other charts. Finally, a real data set is offered to demonstrate the application of the MCD-TCC.

Keywords: Average run length; control chart; CUSUM chart; DMA chart; MCD-TCC chart; median run length; TCC

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