Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Mohankumar N. Bajad This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DoCE, STES’s SCOE, Pune, MS, India


Received: May 13, 2022
Accepted: November 9, 2022
Publication Date: February 9, 2023

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The compelling usage of left-over constituents of warm force stations, for example, fly debris and bottom ash (BA) as halfway substitution to cement and fine aggregate (FA) in concrete diminish transfer issues. In this examination, the BA is exploited to supplant the normal stream sand up to 100% and in this manner, it diminishes the practice of waterway sand and reuse of BA in concrete which is eco-friendly and can be called green concrete (GC). In comparison to regular concrete, this concrete utilises less energy during production and emits less carbon dioxide. The most significant overseeing factor that decides the oldness of the concrete structure is durability. BA is utilized as FA (30%, 60% and 100%) in concrete to lessen its ecological contamination (air, land, and water) and to ration characteristic waterway sand which is misused for development. GC comprising BA is intended for 30 MPa with fixed water to fastener proportion and slump esteem; and is assessed for, compressive strength, and elastic modulus. elongated term drying shrinkage (DS) was assessed for 365 days and an experimental relationship was created to foresee 10 years of DS of GC. Test outcome shows that 30% BA came about high compressive strength and elastic modulus than control blend at 90 days. The DS property of BA came about better and even prevalent execution for long term durability. The test examination additionally infers that GC comprising 30% of BA for FA substitution beats control concrete for the structured strength of 30 MPa at 90 days and anticipated DS for extended term durability provided that 10 years. Keywords: bottom ash; compressive strength; durability; drying shrinkage; green concrete.

Keywords: Bottom ash; Compressive strength; Durability; Drying shrinkage; Green concrete


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