Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Pratomo Soni This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, Bahar Fetty1, Prasetyo Salsabila1, and Hamidah Rahma2

1Adiwangsa Jambi University, Jl. Sersan Muslim No. 34 Jambi
2Diponegoro University


Received: December 15, 2020
Accepted: February 1, 2021
Publication Date: August 10, 2021

 Copyright The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cited.

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The stilt house in Seberang Jambi City is a heritage of Jambi Malay culture. There is something unique on the sheath of this stilt house. The window section has various sizes, for example the window size on the living room is larger than the family room. The application of these window aperture depends on the function of space in the house. This research is preliminary research regarding the architectural aspects of the stilt house. The purpose of this research is to find out the performance of natural daylighting on the stilt house by considering the aspect ratio of the window area, like dimensions, the shape, and position of the window. The method of this research is a field survey as a quantitative descriptive analysis. Simulation Method of DIALux 4.2 used for data validation and evaluation of natural daylighting performance. The result of this research is expected to strengthen the study of cultural heritage concept in Seberang Jambi City. Through the study of the application of aperture on the building sheath in the stilt house in Seberang Jambi City has a good natural daylighting performance to fulfill the standard of visual comfort for the activity. This can be seen from the preliminary research data shows on stilt house have a daylighting intensity value 200 - 800 lux in the living room and family room at 12.00 pm.

Keywords: daylighting performance, Rumah Panggung (Stilt House), opening


  1. [1] R. Avesta, A. D. Putri, R. A. Hanifah, N. A. Hidayat, and M. D. Dunggio. Strategi Desain Bukaan terhadap Pencahayaan Alami untuk Menunjang Konsep Bangunan Hemat Energi pada Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat. J. Rekayasa Hijau, 2017.
  2. [2] S. Pratomo and B. A. Putra. The Jambinese Melayu Settlement Pattern. The Knowledge City: Spirit, Character and Manifestation, pages 278–282, 2009.
  3. [3] S. Pratomo, P. N., P. F. B., K. W., and F. F. Bahar. Prinsip Fisika pada Pondasi Tiang Kayu Rumah Tradisional Seberang Kota Jambi. Prosiding Seminar Struktur dalam Arsitektur, pages 49–55.
  4. [4] A. A. Aldiansyah and A. Nareswari. Morfologi Kawasan Permukiman Sekoja Jambi. Semin. Nas. Pembang.Wil. dan Kota Berkelanjutan, 2019.
  5. [5] H. Hasan. Pengaruh Lingkungan terhadap Perubahan Arsitektur Tradisonal Kawasan Perumahan Seberang Kota Jambi. Universitas Jambi, 2017.
  6. [6] Bambang Wicaksono, Ari Siswanto, Susilo Kusdiwanggo, and Widya Fransiska Febriati Anwar. The identification of the existence of stilt houses at Musi riverside settlement in Palembang. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 620(1), 2019.
  7. [7] Wan Rahmah Mohd Zaki, Abdul Hadi Nawawi, and Sabarinah Sh.Ahmad. Environmental Prospective of Passive Architecture Design Strategies in Terrace Houses. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 42:300–310, 2012.
  8. [8] Yosafat Winarto, Happy Ratna Santosa, and Sri Nastiti N. Ekasiwi. The Climate Conscious Concept of Majapahit Settlement in Trowulan, East Java. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 179:318–329, 2015.
  9. [9] AW Putri and YSWahyuni. Kajian awal terhadap kondisi pencahayaan alami pada bangunan rumah limas!. (Preliminary Study on Natural Lighting Condition of Limas Shaped. Tesa Arsit, 2012.
  10. [10] Abdul Rachmad Zahrial Amin, Parulian Siregar, JM Sri Narhadi, Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Sains, Universitas Katholik Musi Charitas, and Sumatera Selatan. Study pencahayn alami pada rumah limas panggng palembang (simulasi dengan program ecotect 5.0). Teknoin, 22(9), 2016.
  11. [11] Boby Samra and Imbardi Imbardi. Penerapan Aspek Iklim Tropis pada Arsitektur Lokal Rumah Tradisional Melayu Studi Kasus di Desa Lalang Siak Sri Indrapura. Jurnal Teknik, 12(1):68–76, 2018.
  12. [12] Rina Widayanti, Agus Suparman, and Ninuk Sekarsari. Kajian Aspek Pemakaian Energi Pada Sistem Bangunan Tradisional Jawa. Seminar Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Gunadarma, 7(06):1–4, 2010.
  13. [13] S. Szokolay. Environmental Science Handbook for Architects and Builders. Build. Environ., 15(3):199, 1980.
  14. [14] N Lechner. ’Chapter 13: Daylighting’, in Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects. pages 399–451, 2014.
  15. [15] M. D. Egan Dan and V. W. Olgay. Architectural Lighting. Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Company, NewYork, 2002.
  16. [16] Badan Pusat Statistik Kota jambi. Kota Jambi Dalam Angka 2016., 2016.
  17. [17] Nur Laela Latifah. Fisika Bangunan 2. Fisika Bangunan, page 285, 2015.
  18. [18] HE Beckett and JA Godfrey. Windows, performance, design and installation. 1974.

Pratomo Soni This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, Bahar Fetty1, Prasetyo Salsabila1, and Hamidah Rahma2

1Adiwangsa Jambi University, Jl. Sersan Muslim No. 34 Jambi
2Diponegoro University


Received: December 15, 2020
Accepted: February 1, 2021
Publication Date: August 10, 2021

 Copyright The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cited.

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The stilt house in Seberang Jambi City is a heritage of Jambi Malay culture. There is something unique on the sheath of this stilt house. The window section has various sizes, for example the window size on the living room is larger than the family room. The application of these window aperture depends on the function of space in the house. This research is preliminary research regarding the architectural aspects of the stilt house. The purpose of this research is to find out the performance of natural daylighting on the stilt house by considering the aspect ratio of the window area, like dimensions, the shape, and position of the window. The method of this research is a field survey as a quantitative descriptive analysis. Simulation Method of DIALux 4.2 used for data validation and evaluation of natural daylighting performance. The result of this research is expected to strengthen the study of cultural heritage concept in Seberang Jambi City. Through the study of the application of aperture on the building sheath in the stilt house in Seberang Jambi City has a good natural daylighting performance to fulfill the standard of visual comfort for the activity. This can be seen from the preliminary research data shows on stilt house have a daylighting intensity value 200 - 800 lux in the living room and family room at 12.00 pm.

Keywords: daylighting performance, Rumah Panggung (Stilt House), opening


  1. [1] R. Avesta, A. D. Putri, R. A. Hanifah, N. A. Hidayat, and M. D. Dunggio. Strategi Desain Bukaan terhadap Pencahayaan Alami untuk Menunjang Konsep Bangunan Hemat Energi pada Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat. J. Rekayasa Hijau, 2017.
  2. [2] S. Pratomo and B. A. Putra. The Jambinese Melayu Settlement Pattern. The Knowledge City: Spirit, Character and Manifestation, pages 278–282, 2009.
  3. [3] S. Pratomo, P. N., P. F. B., K. W., and F. F. Bahar. Prinsip Fisika pada Pondasi Tiang Kayu Rumah Tradisional Seberang Kota Jambi. Prosiding Seminar Struktur dalam Arsitektur, pages 49–55.
  4. [4] A. A. Aldiansyah and A. Nareswari. Morfologi Kawasan Permukiman Sekoja Jambi. Semin. Nas. Pembang.Wil. dan Kota Berkelanjutan, 2019.
  5. [5] H. Hasan. Pengaruh Lingkungan terhadap Perubahan Arsitektur Tradisonal Kawasan Perumahan Seberang Kota Jambi. Universitas Jambi, 2017.
  6. [6] Bambang Wicaksono, Ari Siswanto, Susilo Kusdiwanggo, and Widya Fransiska Febriati Anwar. The identification of the existence of stilt houses at Musi riverside settlement in Palembang. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 620(1), 2019.
  7. [7] Wan Rahmah Mohd Zaki, Abdul Hadi Nawawi, and Sabarinah Sh.Ahmad. Environmental Prospective of Passive Architecture Design Strategies in Terrace Houses. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 42:300–310, 2012.
  8. [8] Yosafat Winarto, Happy Ratna Santosa, and Sri Nastiti N. Ekasiwi. The Climate Conscious Concept of Majapahit Settlement in Trowulan, East Java. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 179:318–329, 2015.
  9. [9] AW Putri and YSWahyuni. Kajian awal terhadap kondisi pencahayaan alami pada bangunan rumah limas!. (Preliminary Study on Natural Lighting Condition of Limas Shaped. Tesa Arsit, 2012.
  10. [10] Abdul Rachmad Zahrial Amin, Parulian Siregar, JM Sri Narhadi, Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Sains, Universitas Katholik Musi Charitas, and Sumatera Selatan. Study pencahayn alami pada rumah limas panggng palembang (simulasi dengan program ecotect 5.0). Teknoin, 22(9), 2016.
  11. [11] Boby Samra and Imbardi Imbardi. Penerapan Aspek Iklim Tropis pada Arsitektur Lokal Rumah Tradisional Melayu Studi Kasus di Desa Lalang Siak Sri Indrapura. Jurnal Teknik, 12(1):68–76, 2018.
  12. [12] Rina Widayanti, Agus Suparman, and Ninuk Sekarsari. Kajian Aspek Pemakaian Energi Pada Sistem Bangunan Tradisional Jawa. Seminar Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Gunadarma, 7(06):1–4, 2010.
  13. [13] S. Szokolay. Environmental Science Handbook for Architects and Builders. Build. Environ., 15(3):199, 1980.
  14. [14] N Lechner. ’Chapter 13: Daylighting’, in Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects. pages 399–451, 2014.
  15. [15] M. D. Egan Dan and V. W. Olgay. Architectural Lighting. Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Company, NewYork, 2002.
  16. [16] Badan Pusat Statistik Kota jambi. Kota Jambi Dalam Angka 2016., 2016.
  17. [17] Nur Laela Latifah. Fisika Bangunan 2. Fisika Bangunan, page 285, 2015.
  18. [18] HE Beckett and JA Godfrey. Windows, performance, design and installation. 1974.

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