Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Mu-Chun Su1 and Hsiao-Te Chang1

1Department of Electrical Engineering Tamkang University Tamsui, 251, Taiwan, R.O.C.


Received: April 12, 1999
Accepted: May 31, 1999
Publication Date: May 31, 1999

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In this paper we propose an efficient method for measuring the degree of topology preservation. Based on the method we apply genetic algorithms (GAs) in two stages to form a topologically ordered feature map. We then use a special method to interprete an SOFM formed by the proposed genetic-algorithm-based method to estimate the number and the locations of clusters from a multidimensional data set without labeling information. Two data sets are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed methods.

Keywords: Cluster Analysis, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Self-Organizing Feature Maps


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