Wen C. Pai1, Chun-Chia Wang 1 and Ding-Rong Jiang1 1Department of Information Management Kuang Wu Institute of Technology, PeiTou, Taipei 112, Taiwan, R.O.C.
March 5, 1999
April 13, 1999
Publication Date:
April 13, 1999
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Software testing is an important process in software quality assurance(SQA). Software testing consumes the majority of the software developers' time and cost of all the phases of system development. An important problem in software testing is to determine whether a program has been tested enough with a testing criterion and when one could stop testing. On the other hand, software measurement is used to estimate the quality of a software. Complexity measures can be used to compare software quality and development cost. This paper proposes a new testing approach which choosing testing path based on path complexity. The process is to use a set of testing paths that satisfying all-uses testing criterion, and then choose the testing path with the most complexity to test. This process is continued until the program can be accepted. The proposed formula is used to determine if it is possible to stop testing before satisfying all-du-paths testing criterion. The main contribution of the paper is that software developers can choose a proper testing action with lower testing effort.ABSTRACT
Software Quality Assurance, Software Testing, White-Box Testing, Path Testing, Software Complexity