Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Fengwen ChenThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hainan Power Grid Co., Ltd., Sanya, Hainan, 572000, China



Received: April 7, 2024
Accepted: October 21, 2024
Publication Date: January 13, 2025

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The calculation of the series gap distance of the lightning protection device in the 10 kV distribution network is rough, and the positioning error of the lightning strike point may be large, which affects the stability of electricity consumption. Therefore, research on lightning protection technology for overhead insulated lines in 10 kV distribution networks based on linear least squares positioning method is conducted to improve the lightning protection level of insulated lines. By calculating the lightning protection performance parameters of 10 kV distribution network overhead insulated lines, the parameters of the lightning arrester body are determined. The normal probability distribution method is used to determine the series gap distance of the lightning protection device and complete the design. The linear least squares method is used to locate the lightning strike point of the line, and the lightning protection device is fixed under the conductor at the lightning strike point to achieve lightning protection. Experiments have shown that this technology can effectively determine the series gap distance of lightning protection devices, accurately locate the lightning strike point of insulated lines, reduce the uneven voltage distribution coefficient of insulated lines, and improve the lightning resistance level. At different gap distances, 50% of the lightning impulse discharge voltage can be effectively calculated. When the gap distance is 85 mm , the lightning impulse discharge voltage of the lightning protection device is close to the standard value, and the lightning protection effect is the best. The positioning results of this technology are close to the actual lightning strike point, with high accuracy and strong adaptability. After application, the uneven coefficient of voltage distribution is less than 1.5 , which is better than the situation where it was always higher than 2 before application, and improves the lightning protection effect of the line.

Keywords: Linear least squares; Positioning method; 10 kV distribution network; Overhead insulated line; Lightning protection technology; Normal probability distribution

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