Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Liejun Wang1, Song Zhang This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1 and Yanqing Qi1

1College of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, P.R. China


Received: June 20, 2016
Accepted: September 5, 2017
Publication Date: December 1, 2017

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In recent years, the pulse coupled neural network (PCNN) is widely used in image segmentation, but the existing algorithm has an unsatisfactory performance with the definition of single threshold, especially in uneven illumination or low contrast image. In this paper, in order to eliminate the impact of the illumination and improve the adaptability, deblocking PCNN algorithm is utilized. It segments the image into several rectangles with the same size. Then PCNN algorithm is applied to segment each block and stopped by improved OSTU. The emulation experiment shows that this method is better than traditional image segmentation method in uneven illumination or low contrast image.

Keywords: PCNN, OSTU, Image Segmentation


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