Yejun He1This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Lei Shi2, and Zhongren Chen1

1School of mechanical and electrical engineering, Zhongshan Polytechnics, Zhongshan 528400, Guangdong, China

2Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.,CSSC, Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong, China


Received: June 26, 2023
Accepted: April 18, 2024
Publication Date: June 22, 2024

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Amicrogrid is a smaller-scale power system that helps integrate distributed energy generation and maximize demand-side management utilization. This article analyzes the economic dispatch of a typical multi-carrier microgrid with price-responsive loads in an uncertain environment. Integrating multiple energy infrastructures under the multi-carrier microgrid is shown as an energy hub. This paper proposes a novel price-responsive load that integrates the final price of energy of demanded loads for multiple carriers with energy market price, site generations, and energy purchase. Also, the proposed price-responsive method is analyzed ontwodifferent DRP models to verify the model’s effectiveness. The proposed multi-carrier microgrid is investigated considering the uncertainties in thermal and electrical loads, solar generations, and the electricity market. Previous investigations have optimized energy consumption from an infrastructure perspective without considering interactions. However, this study takes into account the interaction between energy system infrastructures in the presence of distributed energy generation and responsive loads. A series of simulations are conducted using GAMStodevelop amodelfor a connected microgrid that incorporates electricity, district heat networks, and natural gas to supply multiple energy demands. Results show that the simultaneous operation of different energy carriers and utilization of price-responsive loads resulted in lower operating costs for smart distribution grids. Finally, the impact of uncertain parameters was assessed in the system, enhancing the optimal solution’s trustworthiness.

Keywords: Economic dispatch; Demand response; Small-scale energy resources, multi-carrier microgrid.

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