Ngoc-Tran Le1This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Vo Claude2, Philippe Talbot3, and Quoc-Hung Nguyen1

1Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

2La Croix Rouge College, France

3University of Brest, France



Received: February 3, 2024
Accepted: April 24, 2024
Publication Date: May 24, 2024

 Copyright The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cited.

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The measurement and monitoring of dissolved oxygen (DO) levels play a crucial role in shrimp growth and overall water quality management. To achieve high-tech agriculture standards, it is imperative to continuously measure, monitor, and log DO parameters in real-time. Additionally, the development of a remote control system for aerators based on DO thresholds in shrimp ponds is essential. Currently, most shrimp farms in Vietnam rely on handheld measuring devices utilizing electrochemical sensors. However, this method suffers from low accuracy, requiring frequent sensor calibration due to waterborne contaminants, variations in water temperature, and salinity, indirectly impacting the sensor’s reliability. Moreover, handheld devices are operated by technicians and cannot facilitate automatic and real-time monitoring through smart mobile devices. This paper proposes an innovative architectural model for monitoring and controlling oxygen levels in shrimp ponds, irrespective of day or night. The model incorporates an optical dissolved oxygen sensor, known for its industrial-grade accuracy and Modbus protocol compatibility. Signal processing and data packaging are accomplished through a custom-designed electric circuit, with the data transmitted to the Things Network (TTN) server via a LoraWAN gateway. A web server is developed to enable real-time monitoring and control of the devices. The proposed system provides shrimp farmers with the ability to monitor the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in real time. By automatically controlling the fan and aerators, the system enables farmers to adjust the DO level in the water as needed. This technology contributes to enhanced productivity and quality of shrimp cultivation by reducing diseases, preventing oxygen-related shrimp mortality, and minimizing operational expenses through the elimination of manual labor. To improve measurement accuracy and lower costs for shrimp farmers, the system utilizes an industrial DO optical sensor. This eliminates the need for sensor calibration and extends the sensor’s lifespan. Additionally, the system facilitates remote monitoring and control of devices, data storage, report generation, and overall management of shrimp farms. These features promote stability within the shrimp ecosystem and streamline farm operations. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed system ensures accurate measurements comparable to commercially available industrial-measured dissolved oxygen handheld devices. As a result, this system is highly suitable for implementation in advanced agricultural environments where technology plays a crucial role.

Keywords: Optical dissolved oxygen sensor, wireless sensor, water quality for shrimp farm, LoraWAN, webserver.

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