Andrei Nikulin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, Dmitrii Ikonnikov1, and Pavel Afanasev1

1Industrial Safety Department, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


Received: October 15, 2019
Accepted: January 25, 2020
Publication Date: June 1, 2020

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Estimations of working environment of food industry demonstrate that one in three persons (of more than 240 thousand persons) works in harmful and/or hazardous environment. The highest impact is exerted by environment with noise, airborne ultrasound, infrasound, and microclimate as well as severity of workflow. Using distillery bottling department as an example, the authors analyzed possibilities to decrease harmful impacts of process factors on bottling operators, the labor condition class was classified as harmful: 3.2 (equivalent sound level is 86 dBA). The main principles and approaches to arrangement of soundproof designs and systems are considered. The concept and engineering solutions aimed at installation of individual mobile soundproof cabin (IMSC) at working area of bottling operator have been developed. Sound insulating properties of the proposed IMSC designs have been predicted and experimentally studied. The predictions demonstrate decrease in sound pressure level in overall frequency band from 1 to 24 dB. Estimated time of operator staying in IMSC is presented depending on labor conditions, which in practice would decrease risk of occupational diseases of bottling operators.

Keywords: noise, production, cabin, labor safety, sound insulation, sound absorption.



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