Yanyan Hu1,2, Xiaoling Xue1, Zengwang Jin1 and Changyin Sun This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.3

1School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, P.R. China
2Beijing Key Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering for Materials Science, Beijing 100083, P.R. China
3School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, P.R. China


Received: July 19, 2017
Accepted: August 7, 2017
Publication Date: December 1, 2017

Download Citation: ||https://doi.org/10.6180/jase.2017.20.4.15  


This paper proposes a new actuator fault detection and estimation method for dynamic system with multiple sensors based on asynchronous Interactive Multiple Model (IMM) and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). Both total and partial actuator faults are considered. Asynchronous IMM filtering is performed to the model set composed of the normal system model and all fault models corresponding to possible fault situations. Model probabilities as indicators of occurrences of various fault situations are obtained and utilized to detect and locate the fault. After that, the fault factor is estimated based on the MLE algorithm and the analytic solution is given out. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate that the proposed approach can not only detect and isolate the fault correctly, but also have improved estimation performance of fault factor.

Keywords: Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Asynchronous Interactive Multiple Model, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Multiplicative Actuator Fault


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