Jiung-Yao Huang This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1 and Lawrence Y. Deng1

1Multimedia & Virtual Reality Lab. Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan 251


Received: November 16, 2000
Accepted: December 27, 2000
Publication Date: December 27, 2000

Download Citation: ||https://doi.org/10.6180/jase.2000.3.4.06  


This paper presents a Petri Net model to analyze the workflow of a web-based multiple participants virtual environment. The presented approach not only can conspicuously help the developer to comprehend the interaction relationship between the client-server virtual environments but also to easily construct a shared virtual world. Based on the presented Petri Net model, we propose an architecture for the collaborative virtual environment and implement a multiple user 3D web browsing system, called the SharedWeb system. Problems of providing the multi-user interaction on the Web and the solutions proposed by the Petri Net model are fully elaborated here. Some experimental results along with two demonstrated virtual world are also presented.

Keywords: World Wide Web, Common Gateway Interface, Distributive Interactive Simulation, Dead Reckoning, Petri Net and Virtual Reality.


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