Trong Hieu DoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Minh Duc Nguyen, and Minh Duc Duong

Hanoi University of Science and Technology



Received: May 22, 2024
Accepted: September 16, 2024
Publication Date: November 15, 2024

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Overhead cranes are widely utilized in various industries and for transporting goods. However, the vibrations generated during operation can significantly impact the safety and efficiency of crane work. This issue becomes more critical when dealing with large-sized loads that cannot be overlooked. In such cases, the crane exhibits a double pendulum-like behaviour, and the load vibrations become multi-frequency. This paper proposes an Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) controller to control the crane’s position combined with the Equal Shaping Time and Magnitude (ETM) input shaping technique to suppress load swinging during lifting operations. Simulations and experiments were performed to confirm the validity of the proposed method.

Keywords: Double-Pendulum Crane; ADRC; Input Shaping; Impulse Vector; Vibration Suppression

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