Simple booster control schematic

Baoge Zhang, Yongquan Ren , Hao Tian, Xiong Lv, and Fuhong Cui

School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou,730070, China


Received: July 7, 2023
Accepted: November 12, 2023
Publication Date: December 11, 2023

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Aiming at the problems such as small boost gain, large start-up shock, low DC side voltage utilisation, high current-voltage harmonic distortion rate, etc. of the conventional Z-source inverter (ZSI), which can not be well applied in new energy generation situations, the Zimpedance source network is improved. A Z-source inverter with high gain improved switched inductance (HISL-ZSI) topology is proposed. The HISL-ZSI topology is based on the switched-inductor Z-source inverter (SL-ZSI) with an inductor and active switch behind its DC source to form a BOOST circuit with the front stage, further improving the boost capability. A high boost unit is formed with a modified switching inductor module in the back stage, and the capacitive voltage stress on the device is reduced under the same conditions. Furthermore, the addition of the inductor behind the DC source makes the input current continuous, improving the service life of the DC source and the DC side voltage utilisation. On the basis of theoretical analysis, a simple boost control modulation strategy is used to simulate the system using Matlab/Simulink. Simulation results show that the HISL-ZSI topology has superior boosting capability, reduces capacitive voltage stress and ensures continuous input current, making the HISL-ZSI better suited for use in new energy generation applications.

Keywords: Booster capacity; Capacitive voltage stress; Improved topology; New energy power generation; Z-source inverter

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