A.Albert Alexe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, F. Sagayaraj francis2, and R. Subramanian3

1Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, India
2Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Puducherry Technological University
3Professor, Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University


Received: January 20, 2021
Accepted: February 19, 2021
Publication Date: June 24, 2021

 Copyright The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cited.

Download Citation: ||https://doi.org/10.6180/jase.202108_24(6).0015  


The naturally inspired algorithm plays an important role in solving optimization problem. Naturally, inspired algorithm is used to search the optimized result from the large dataset. Many algorithms have been proposed already to solve the complex problem and result was proved. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm called Great Dane natural inspired search algorithm. This algorithm inspires the behaviour of pet animal Great Dane dog. The behaviour of Great Dane is very strong to protect the home. The behaviour of Great Dane is used to find the optimal solution from the large data base. The proposed algorithm is used to solve the single and multi-variable cost function problems through the generation of binary and integer structured Great Dane. The Great Dane algorithm is tested and implemented using De-Jong Type I function and the results provide the performance of the algorithm is better than the other evolutionary algorithms.

Keywords: Great Dane algorithm, Home defence, Home takeover, mating


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