Xiaochun Wu1, Xiang Zhou 1 and Yayun Luo2
1School of Automation & Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiao Tong University, Lanzhou 730070, P.R. China
2Yinchuan Communication and Signal Division of Lanzhou Railway Bureau, Yinchuan 750001, P.R. China
June 23, 2016
October 4, 2016
Publication Date:
March 1, 2017
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Temporary speed restriction server (TSRS) is an important part of the high speed railway train control system, TSRS not only needs to check the temporary speed restriction orders issued by CTC, but also needs to exchange information frequently with temporary speed restriction server of adjacent dispatching station, on this account TSRS has higher requirements for security and real time property. In order to satisfy the real-time requirements, timed automata sub-models of each equipment are established for the working process of cross-border temporary speed restriction, and the overall timed automata network modelsare built through parallel composition of the sub-models. The BNF (backus-naur form) syntax is used to describe the properties of the cross-border temporary speed restriction server, and the verification tool of UPPAAL is used to simulate the models. The verification results confirm the safety and bounded liveness properties of the system in the interaction process.
Cross-Border Temporary Speed Restriction, Timed Automata, UPPAAL, Real-time
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