The tension stiffening behaviour.

Khalfallah S.  1

1Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Ville Universitaire, Ali Mendjali, 25000 Constantine, Algeria


Received: February 27, 2013
Accepted: January 26, 2015
Publication Date: March 1, 2015

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To calibrate the tension stiffening effect of reinforced concrete member subjected to tensile forces, an analytical approach is presented. The tension stiffening behaviour is a primordial task in reinforced concrete mechanic field. In this model, an analytical relationship of stress-strain law in the cracking range is developed. The bi-linear relation used in CEB model doesn’t represent faithfully the post-cracking behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. For this concern, a parabolic branch is selected in the post-cracking phase possessing as asymptotic line to the stress-strain line of the bare bar that minimizes the tension stiffening effect in ultimate load level. This assumption is taken into account for many considerations: material nonlinearities, the bond character and the tension stiffening effect. Analytical results are shown and compared with experimental data for direct tensile load. Obtained results show a well concordance to ward experimental data. More, the influence of concrete strength, reinforcement ratio and bar diameter on tension stiffening is studied and commented.

Keywords: Analytical Model, Tension Stiffening, Nonlinear Analysis, Tensile Members, Bar Diameter, Reinforcement Ratio, Strength of Concrete


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